HillsDALe College Christ Chapel
Hillsdale, Michigan
Project Responsibilities For Matrix
Electrical Engineering
Powering Specialty Lighting
Powering Sound Equipment
Reconfigure electrical distribution to multiple buildings
Site Lighting design
Mechanical Engineering
Steam to hot water heat exchanger
Snowmelt System
Underfloor Ducting System
Hillsdale College was founded in 1844 and is located in Southern Michigan. The new 28,500 square foot Christ Chapel was built with the goal to give the alumni, students, staff, and the general public a place to worship on the non-denominational campus. Matrix worked closely with the owner and project team to ensure the owner was engaged and the goals of the project were met throughout the project.
Matrix provided the plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection design for the chapel. Each of these systems had to be closely analyzed to ensure the environment would be adequate for the comfort of the building occupants, but also allow for an environment that is suitable for peak performance of the organ and sound system throughout the building. Overall construction value for the project was approximately $28,000,000.
The mechanical system consisted of a steam to hot water heat exchanger skid package, a snowmelt system, multiple air handling units with chilled water cooling coils, and duct mounted humidifiers. The air distribution system included an underfloor ducting system and ventilation displacement for thermal comfort at the occupant level. All of the mechanical systems were connected to a Direct Digital Control Building Automation System to allow the systems to be optimized and allow for energy savings.
The electrical design included powering specialty lighting, sound equipment, and mechanical equipment. A power distribution design and lighting control panel was incorporated to power the building and provide energy savings. Site Lighting design was provided to allow for a safe environment around the building.
Hillside Chapel Project Photos